recap and outlook

iHire's Job Industry Recap and Outlook: 2020-2021 [Report]

How did 2020 reshape the job market and what will 2021 bring for talent acquisition? iHire’s third annual U.S. Job Industry Recap & Outlook Report offers an exclusive look into our job and job seeker databases. Get your copy to discover:

  • Top hiring industries with year-over-year data comparisons
  • Trending career titles and candidate skills
  • Popular sectors for remote work
  • Resolutions for HR pros and job seekers to make in 2021
  • …and more!


Data sourced from iHire’s job and job seeker databases, which include information from jobs posted directly through iHire as well as jobs aggregated from 30,000+ online sources.


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By iHire | Originally Published: January 18, 2021

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